Sarah and the Angelic Magical Makeover Read online

  Sarah and the Angelic Magical Makeover

  As she sat at the gigantic pipe organ preparing to play, Sarah surveyed Daniels and Valerie in the congregation. They seemed to chat amiably as they waited for the service to start. She blew out a breath, relieved to see her charge comfortable in church.

  Selecting the first prelude piece, Sarah placed hands on the manuals and feet on the pedals. Taking a quick gulp of air to calm herself, she pressed down to begin.

  Blast! Roar! Earthquake! The massive musical instrument bellowed to life with an explosion of sound. The sudden, deafening hullabaloo coming from the hands of Sarah made the chandeliers shake and the stained-glass windows rattle. Dust mites danced in the sunlight as the musical notes reverberated through the sanctuary.

  The audience recoiled at the detonating sound, and everyone gawked at Sarah. Most of them covered their ears as they stared at her.

  Poopty doopty! So much for setting a tranquil tone for worship. A sudden racket like that could give a person a heart attack. What would the pastor say about this debacle? Merciful heavens! She’d just asked the Lord to bless her music, and here she sat, terrifying people out of their pews and searing their eardrums. Why did God allow such embarrassing mistakes anyway?

  What They Are Saying About Sarah and the Angelic Magical Makeover

  Gay N Lewis blends comedy and great theology with sweet, clean romance in her Sarah books. Warning: they are like potato chips. You won't want to stop at just one. Sarah and the Angelic Makeover is a great one to devour!

  —Julie B Cosgrove

  Award-winning cozy mystery author of

  the Bunco Biddies Mysteries series

  While Sarah and her charge decide to embrace a healthier life style, challenges are put in front of them. Valerie, Sarah’s earthly roommate, has very low self-esteem. Since her father has belittled her for her entire life time, Valerie feels she’ll never be any more than she is.

  Sarah was warned by her superiors that Valerie might fall for the wrong man, and Sarah must decide who the right one will be.

  Ms. Lewis continues to delightfully reveal the antics of the tiny angel while she brings the reader scriptural truths. The characters are well developed and the story is fast-paced and fun. Like the other Sarah books, I highly recommend this one.

  —Victoria Pitts Caine, award-winning novelist

  Gay Lewis’ dyslectic angel Sarah series captured my heart a number of books ago as this author shows how much God loves us, and how involved angelic forces are involved in ministering to His people.

  Sarah’s new assignment, in Texas of course, shows us a maturing Sarah, still a mite zany and doubting her ability to carry out the Commander’s assignment to rescue this young woman who has lost faith in everything, especially herself. Sarah and the Angelic Magical Makeover is an inspiring and delightful read.

  Ms. Lewis weaves truths about God and the heavenlies into Sarah’s latest episode, but I doubt this fashion-conscious little angel will ever conquer those red stilettos. And driving a car? Never. Not even a possibility.

  An intriguing love story develops as Sarah helps Valerie comprehend the enormity of her worth and God’s love for her. Some nail-biting moments as Valerie mistakes lust for love, but Sarah’s assignment is clear…and you’ll have to read this delightful book to find out who, what, and why!

  —DiAne Gates, author of the award-winning Roped, Twisted

  I simply loved Sarah and the Angelic Magical Makeover. As with all of Gay Lewis’s books, the characters are warm, realistic, and lovable. They deal with real-life issues in a lighthearted way that left me smiling and wanting more. This is a must read!

  —Carlene Havel, award-winning author of Christian romance and historical novels.

  Angel Sarah delights the reader as she relishes in human experiences, especially the girl stuff, such as make-up, and fitness training. All the while she’s accomplishing a much greater mission—healing a wounded soul. Of course, she’s up to her usual match-making, but this time she also has to figure out which guy’s the right one for her charge.

  Sarah and the Angelic Magical Makeover warms the reader’s heart while it entertains.

  —Gail Pallotta, a Grace Awards finalist

  and a Reader’s Favorite 2017 Book Award winner

  Sarah and the Angelic Magical Makeover

  Gay N. Lewis

  A Wings ePress, Inc.

  Inspirational Novel

  Edited by: Jeanne Smith

  Copy Edited by: Joan C. Powell

  Executive Editor: Jeanne Smith

  Cover Artist: Richard Stroud

  All rights reserved

  Names, characters and incidents depicted in this book are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental and beyond the intent of the author or the publisher.

  No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.

  Wings ePress Books

  Copyright © 2018 by Gay N. Lewis

  ISBN - 978-1-61309-334-4

  Published In the United States of America

  Wings ePress Inc.

  3000 N. Rock Road

  Newton, KS 67114


  To Christy. My confident, beautiful daughter,

  who needs no makeover.


  Sarah floated downward from The Heavenlies with a map in hand. Oh sure, she’d been to Houston and the surrounding areas many times, but she never remembered how to get there. The diagram she held didn’t help much either. Glancing below, all she saw was water. Was that the Gulf of Mexico? If so, Houston wasn’t far, but which direction should she travel? The only way not to go was straight up. That route would take her back home. Diving down would land her in the scary H2O.

  Maybe if she turned the chart upside down, it would make sense. Nope, for all she knew, the thingy might as well be a route to the planet Mars, not that she’d been there either.

  Floating in midair, she paused, gazed upward and cleared her throat. “Lieutenant? Sir? I hate to trouble you, but I’m lost again. Would you send someone to guide me?”

  The clouds parted and the Lieutenant’s face appeared. “Hello, Sarah. I’ve been waiting to hear from you. Never hesitate to inquire for guidance. If creatures don’t seek divine intervention, they make mistakes.” He grinned and pointed with his index finger to a spot in the distance. “If you keep going in the direction you’ve chosen, you will arrive in London, England in about ten minutes.”

  Sarah gasped. “Oh my sweet stars! I’ve seen that beautiful city from The Heavenlies, and I might enjoy a mission there sometime, but I’m supposed to be in Katy, Texas, a city adjacent to Houston.” She chewed her lip, swept an arm out over the deep blue color beneath her and gulped as tears threatened. A malady she often experienced when in Earth’s realm.

  “I’m terrified of the sea. If I’m headed to Europe, this isn’t the Gulf of Mexico, and I’m nowhere near my destination. Humans who live in North America fly for hours in airplanes across this huge body of water. I could make it to Texas in a matter of minutes if I knew where I was going.” She gave a second glance below. A mile or so below her lay the sparkling azure. She turned pleading eyes to the Superior. “I could be lost for days. Would you send Gabriella or Christian to guide me across the ocean?”

  “They are both occupied. I’ll ask Gale of the Four Winds to assist you.”

  “Thank you.” Sara
h scratched her head, scrunched her nose and then raised her hand as if seeking permission to speak.

  The Lieutenant nodded, and Sarah drew a breath to continue. “Sir, I just thought of something. Gale of the Four Winds might use a forceful breath to blow me across the water. As you know, he parted the Red Sea with his powerful lungs. Would you remind him of my small stature? I hope he won’t gust me to Houston by filling his cheeks with air. He might accidentally propel me into the next galaxy.”

  The Lieutenant bit his lip and almost chuckled. He usually preferred a somber face to go with his serious persona. “I’ll caution him to lead you in an ordinary manner—by a breeze and not a hurricane. Now stay put. He’ll be with you shortly.”

  Sarah floated above the great ocean and watched a cruise ship float by. The sight reminded her of the time she spent on one and she hoped her charge she’d helped on that mission was doing well. She daydreamed about that adventure. Remembering her bout with the evil minion, Talen, gave her the willies, and it had been scary, but parts of the mission had been fun too.

  “Sarah?” The Lieutenant’s voice brought her back to the present.

  “Yes sir?”

  “I have new facts for you. We delayed Gale of the Four Winds while the Commander worked out a new detail to your assignment. At this moment, your newest charge is posting an ad for a roommate in a local online newspaper. Answer it and convince Valerie, your charge, that you are the proper roommate to live in the apartment with her. The Commander is favoring you with this suggestion.”

  “Really? You’re giving me intel and help? How nice.” Sarah’s heart fluttered with this new experience. “Do you have any more advice or maybe a revelation or two about the future?”

  “That’s enough for now. Too much information can be dangerous. You are to work out your problems on a daily basis. Upcoming incidents and data are withheld for your good.”

  “Thank you, sir.”

  “Gale of the Four Winds is on his way. He’ll arrive any second.”

  ~ * ~

  Gale of the Four Winds allowed Sarah to hold onto his feathers as they flew over the Atlantic Ocean in the orthodox manner of angels, by using wings and not volumes of air. Upon arrival, he deposited Sarah on the roof of a large complex in Katy, Texas. Sarah’s charge, Valerie, could be seen below.

  “Thank you, Gale of the Four Winds. I’m relieved to be here, and Katy is somewhat familiar. I see Scott’s Steak House from here. I’ve been there before on other missions.” Sarah glanced into the rooms below. “And I see Valerie. You’re a blessing.”

  Gale of the Four Winds chuckled. “I didn’t blow you to Kingdom Come either. Since the Texas mortals are facing July heat right now, my wind would have been hot. That’s another reason to be thankful I didn’t propel you to your destination.”

  Sarah grimaced. “Sorry... I thought you might use wind force. You know me—I worry a lot about everything.”

  “Hmm. Worry is a waste of time.” He cuffed Sarah on the shoulder and then rose into the air. “Call upon me again if I may assist you.”

  Sarah followed him with her eyes until he’d disappeared through the clouds. Why did she always hesitate to ask for help? And then once help was offered, she grew leery of it. Gale of the Four Winds had aided her before and had always been kind to her. Why in the world would she think otherwise? She sighed. Oh well. And worry? Well, that was a given for her. More stuff to work on.

  Looking below, she inspected her charge. Valerie Naylor was thirty years old and unmarried. Great day in the universe! The lady had never even had a steady boyfriend. From studying the file, Sarah knew the young woman wanted a companion but believed she was too unworthy to have one. She had resigned herself to a lonely existence.

  Sarah shook her head and inhaled deeply. Feeling unworthy was a trait she held in common with Valerie. How many times had she herself felt that way? Too many to count. She remembered the Commander’s words about self-confidence when he assigned this mission. She’d said to him, “But sir, I don’t believe in my own abilities. How can I help someone with the same problem?”

  “Through helping another with the identical difficulty, you too will grow.” the Commander had replied to her question with his usual air of assurance.

  “I hope the Commander was right.” Sarah spoke aloud as she mused about her misgivings.

  Her assignment was to give the lady a makeover, boost her poise and help her develop a healthy lifestyle. The earthling was headed for physical trouble if she kept her present habits. She’d find herself going to multiple doctors and taking scores of medications. The Commander had given Sarah permission to use anything that came to mind to help the earthling. So this task could be fun. After all, appearing like an earth creature, wearing beautiful clothes—and shoes—especially stilettos, made her heart flutter. Maybe this time around, she’d actually learn to walk in high heels. The giddy prospect made butterflies turn happy summersaults in her tummy.

  Sarah’s palms grew sweaty at the next thought. How could she live with a human? Oh horror! She’d never done that before, well there was that one time last Christmas. She’d assisted Emily with a cowboy, and that had worked out okay, but it had been a short stint. Losing weight required time. What if she slipped up this time and revealed her true existence? This assignment would require constant vigil. She inhaled deeply. She could do this; she’d survived novel experiences before. No reason to doubt her capabilities, and the Commander had said this trip might deduct personal fears and grow her aplomb.

  Oops! Hold it. The Commander had issued a caveat regarding two men. Once she completed the makeover, the wrong man would win Valerie’s heart. Sarah was to prevent this scenario and guide the female to the correct man.

  Poopty doopty. How would she know which gent was the proper one? As usual, the Superiors left out information. On most of her cases, they’d done this before. Bummer. A little help on these issues would be welcomed. A super important part of this assignment was left to her, and how on earth could she determine who was Mr. Wrong, or who was Mr. Right? Check his heartbeat? Measure his overbite? Give him an IQ test?

  Finding the intended guy could turn out daunting. You’d think the Superiors would give clues, but oh no, nothing doing. Nope—not them—never a single inkling—seemed against their policy to give hints. The advice to answer Valerie’s ad was a welcome and new activity, but the lieutenant reminded her a mere few minutes ago that info was providentially and purposefully withheld. If she asked for more, they’d remind her angels and mortals had choices and then they’d go over that freewill stuff once more as if she’d never heard of it.

  Rumble. Rumble. Thunder rolled from the clouds to her ears.

  “Sorry. I know I’m not supposed to criticize. It’s another bad habit of mine.” Sarah sighed and plopped down on the roof to study her charge.

  My stars! The poor thing had voluminous hair sticking out in all directions. How did a female human tame hair? Valerie’s red, frizzy mane definitely needed to be restyled. Maybe she could talk her charge into going to one of those hair places. She’d seen human ladies change hair color… some of the teens she’d worked with in the past had applied blue, green, or bright purple to their tresses. That wouldn’t do for Valerie, but maybe toning down the carrot, almost watermelon, color would help.

  With Valerie’s height of five foot six, she should weigh about fifty pounds less—give or take a few. Losing weight would probably prove a challenge for Valerie; it did for most people. Such a trial had never been Sarah’s problem… her small frame stayed tiny unless she disguised it otherwise.

  In Sarah’s opinion, Valerie’s height was perfect. Wouldn’t it be ideal to be that tall? Or even taller? Earth’s super models stood close to six feet and appeared glamorous as they paraded down a runway. In her estimation, a towering height was the way to go. Maybe she’d make herself tall and then add extra height with adorable heels when she appeared in a mortal disguise.

  Sarah glanced down at her diminu
tive frame. Maybe the petite stature was the reason for her overwhelming desire to wear stilettos—that plus the fact that they were soooo adorable. Her mouth salivated at the thought of red high heeled sandals. Perhaps she would wear them on this assignment with a sultry, tight, red, tank-top mini dress—maybe one with an extra low neckline. She could invent an ample amount of cleavage. Oh! And she could wear blingy earrings and bracelets to accent a short dress. What term did men use for tall, sinuous females? Sexy, yes, that was it. She’d be sexy and teach the woman to be sexy too. Yep, she might make this assignment memorable.

  Boom! Roar! Crash! More thunder. Uh-oh. What was happening? The heavens seemed to be exploding—and that usually meant she was in trouble.

  The Lieutenant’s scowling face appeared. “Sarah! You have permission to use disguises, but you do not have authorization to carry your masquerade to extreme measures. Holy angels do not choose improper or erotic appearances.”

  Sarah’s shoulders slumped. “Sorry. I get carried away sometimes.”


  Sarah focused on reading Valerie’s computer screen from her roof position. My! How she hated those computer gadgets, but mortals loved them.

  Valerie had written:

  Female roommate wanted. Two bedrooms, two bath furnished apartment in Katy. Share rent, utilities. Call 555-555-5555 for info. Will verify references.

  References? Uh oh. That meant Sarah needed to come up with names of people who would verify her. How could she accomplish that? The Superiors would furnish references and they’d send other angels appearing as human to vouch for her. On the other hand, she’d been in Katy, Texas before, why not apply as Cynthia Winger? The recommendations could come from real people. That might work. Cynthia had several mortal references. She’d met Mackenzie, Ethan, Bonnie, Jessica and Robert on a mission to obtain a prom date for Mackenzie, and she knew Melinda Spaulding from finding a dad for Mandy. Sarah was certain they would give her a good character testimonial.